Louise Baird, MA (Ed)
Student Success and Career Coach
High School | College | University
Apprenticeship Exam Prep
Return to Work Programs
OW, WSIB, Veterans Affairs
Simple · Easy · Effective
Strategies for Success
"I studied for hours but I didn't get a good mark"
"I blanked when I sat down to write my test"
"I read my textbook but I don't remember what I read"
"I listen in class but I don't remember what was said"
"I have an assignment but I don't know where to start"
"I have NO idea what I'm going to do after highschool"
Underachieving and Depression
Struggling academically affects so much more than just marks. It negatively impacts a student’s self-esteem and their confidence in their abilities. 'Failing' becomes an identity and a negative cycle that can result in depression and lost opportunities for the future.
Choosing a career based on bad or no information can also negatively impact your future. The wrong time to find out you've made a mistake is when you've worked hard, paid your tuition, graduated, and now find there are limited job opportunities, the pay isn't what you thought it would be, and/or you hate your job.
It Doesn't Have To Be That Way
The most common comment I get is "Why didn't they teach me this in high school? This is so much easier!" It doesn't matter what age you are or what subject you are taking. Stop struggling and start getting the grades you deserve. I have taken students from failing to passing, passing to the Honour Roll, and can help Honour Roll students to get even better marks to get accepted to over-subscribed college/university programs.
How Does It Work?
The assessment is free and I come to you! You never even have to leave the house. The sessions can be held in the comfort of your own home through ZOOM online meetings OR at a mutually agreed upon location such as a library or school. There are 5 sessions for Academic Success and 5 sessions for Career Decision Making. Each session is 1 hour in length and can be delivered in a one-on-one format or a group session.